Obstacles In Digital Transformation and How To Overcome It


A digital transformation is a process by which digital technologies are applied to develop new business models. As a result, the aim is often to solve business pain points, improve efficiencies, and provide a more personalized experience to the customer. The concept of digital transformation is based upon the idea that digital tools, such as ERP / EAM / CMMS Systems, and Automation tools that can benefit every aspect of business operations. Essentially, these tools can assist companies in improving their processes and culture so they can remain competitive and relevant in the marketplace.

  • Lack of Resources – Unsuccessful resource planning and a shortage of resources are two of the major obstacles to digital transformation. In terms of IT resources, a skilled labour shortage and talent war stand in the way of successful digital transformation.


    • Look at your team and the responsibilities given to each person. If you can, try to automate these tasks. Avoid micromanagement and assign work in accordance with the knowledge and abilities available.
    • Find the skills you need by looking outside. Outsourcing is a widely used, affordable, and effective strategy to close the talent gap.
  • Insufficient Budget – One of the major obstacles that could derail the entire project is the lack of a capital strategy for the digital transformation process. Most business leaders find it confusing to set up a small budget for creating effective digital transformation operations.


    • Put a long-term plan in place while keeping a budget in mind. Organizations that have a solid foundation and a solid capital strategy are prepared to start their path toward digital transformation.
    • Keep in mind that budgeting for digital transformation demands thorough planning because any detail left out could cause a budget crisis or enormous loss in the future.
  • Data Security – Given how complicated, dynamic, and quickly evolving cybersecurity is, most visionaries are concerned about data security.


    • All applications must have security built-in as the first line of protection. Start implementing security measures in a variety of internal, public, and cloud environments.
    • Implementing a policy-driven, end-to-end security strategy to better secure every link in our value chain.

Make sure that the focus of your transformation plan is on how you will deliver your services or products rather than what technologies you should employ.

Putting all your attention into technology can backfire. Customers would still choose human interactions over robotic ones. Technology should be used as a tool for engagement, communication, and cooperation. Only if everyone in your organisation is receptive to the changes that will result from them will your digital transformation strategy be successful. Success is never an easy undertaking, and the journey can be challenging as you face many obstacles and failures.

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